Workers Party of Massachusetts Constitution - Updated 4/8/2023
The name of this organization shall be the Workers Party of Massachusetts.
The Workers Party of Massachusetts is a political organization of and for the working class. Our goals are to overthrow the capitalist system of exploitation and eliminate the many injustices it perpetuates, to establish working class political power, and to build a socialist economy that prioritizes the needs of people and the planet over the profit-driven interests of capital. In order to achieve these goals we unite in action around the principles, demands, and organizing strategy articulated in our draft party program.
ARTICLE III: Membership
Any person who accepts the principles, program, and general political orientation of the Workers Party of Massachusetts and agrees to engage in the practical work of the party shall be eligible to apply for membership.
All party members who are eligible to vote in Massachusetts shall register with the Workers Party political designation.
Members shall belong to the duly constituted local in the area where they reside. In areas where no local exists, applicants shall be admitted as members-at-large.
Applications for membership shall be acted upon by the local concerned. Applications for membership-at-large shall be acted upon by the state organizing committee.
Members and applicants who are found to be in substantial disagreement with the principles, program, and political orientation of the Workers Party of Massachusetts, or who engage in behavior harmful to working class interests shall be expelled or have their application for membership rejected. Members facing expulsion must receive written notice of charges against them and be given an opportunity to be heard before the state organizing committee. Expelled members may appeal to the party convention for reinstatement.
ARTICLE IV: Organization
The basic organizational unit of the Workers Party of Massachusetts shall be the local organizing committee (local). Locals shall include at least 3 party members, occupy a defined area, meet at least once a month, and carry out political work in a manner consistent with our agreed upon principles, program, and political orientation.
Proposals for the establishment, alteration of territory, or dissolution of locals shall be decided on by the state organizing committee.
Locals shall be empowered to recruit new members, raise funds for local expenses not related to electoral work, enter coalitions as representatives of the Workers Party of Massachusetts, issue statements on behalf of their local organizations, publish local newsletters, and establish a social media presence.
Neighboring locals may establish joint committees to focus on specific areas of political work and to coordinate activity between locals.
Locals shall elect an executive committee of at least 3 people to organize monthly meetings, take notes and maintain records, handle local finances, run social media, maintain communications, and make emergency decisions between meetings. The executive committee shall elect a treasurer to collect dues and handle local finances.
ARTICLE V: Administration
The highest decision-making body of the Workers Party of Massachusetts shall be the annual convention. All decisions of other party organizations may be appealed to the convention.
Between conventions the highest decision-making body shall be the state organizing committee elected by the convention. The number of members on the state organizing committee shall be set at each convention to correspond with the political needs of the party at that time. The state organizing committee may add members between conventions to reflect organizational growth.
The state organizing committee shall elect from its members an executive committee of at least 5 members to organize monthly meetings, take notes and maintain records, handle finances, run social media, maintain communications, and make emergency decisions between meetings.
The state organizing committee may create committees to focus on specific areas of political work and to coordinate activity between locals.
The state organizing committee shall coordinate all the work of the party between conventions, shall decide all questions of policy in accord with the party constitution and the decisions of the conventions, and shall appoint members to serve on any committees or boards to allow the Workers Party of Massachusetts to be compliant with local, state, and federal campaign finance law and tax regulations.
ARTICLE VI: State Convention
The Workers Party of Massachusetts shall hold an annual convention that is open to all members.
The State Convention shall discuss and decide on all questions related to the Workers Party program, constitution, demands and aims, leadership, and overall practice. Members are encouraged to submit proposals, resolutions, position papers, and other documents in the period leading up to each State Convention.
The State Convention shall determine the number of members on the state organizing committee and elect them for a term lasting until the next convention.
ARTICLE VII: Electoral Activity
The Workers Party of Massachusetts shall actively engage in and promote independent working class socialist electoral politics by running our own candidates for office wherever we are able to do so and by supporting other independent socialist candidates who run as individuals or members of other political organizations.
Party members who intend to run for office shall seek approval from the local organizing committee to which they belong if the office sought is within the jurisdiction of that local organizing committee. Members who intend to run for statewide office and at-large members who intend to run for any office shall seek approval of the state organizing committee. Members of other organizations and individual candidates for office who seek endorsements and support from the Workers Party of Massachusetts shall submit a request to the state organizing committee.
Workers Party of Massachusetts candidates for office shall strive to accurately reflect the principles, program, and general political orientation of our organization in both words and action and remain accountable to the party membership. Individuals and candidates of other parties and organizations who are endorsed by the Workers Party of Massachusetts may have their endorsement rescinded at any time should any conflict of principle arise.
The Workers Party of Massachusetts shall never endorse or support any candidate who represents a party of capitalism or who expresses support for capitalist ideology.
ARTICLE VIII: Party Representatives
Workers Party of Massachusetts members who are representing the party in a coalition, members acting in any official capacity as spokespeople, and members running as candidates for office shall strive to accurately reflect the principles, program, and general political orientation of our organization in both words and action and remain accountable to the party membership.
Members representing the Workers Party of Massachusetts in a public forum should avoid sectarianism and be conscious of the different political tendencies that exist in our organization and the overall working class movement. Members should acknowledge the difference between personal opinions and the positions of the party when speaking publicly on historical or theoretical subjects that may be controversial within our organization. Above all, members should focus on promoting working class unity in action around a revolutionary socialist program when representing the party.
ARTICLE IX: Working Groups
Working groups to carry out specific areas of work and to represent constituencies within the Workers Party of Massachusetts may be established by the state organizing committee or proposed by any party member. Proposals for the establishment, alteration of territory, or dissolution of working groups shall be decided on by the state organizing committee.
Working groups shall elect an executive committee of at least 3 people to organize meetings, take notes and maintain records, and coordinate with the state organizing committee. The executive committee shall elect a treasurer to handle finances if necessary.
ARTICLE X: Dues and Finances
Dues shall be voluntary and set at a sliding scale of $1-20 per month. All members who are financially able are asked to contribute to the Workers Party Political Action Committee.
Locals and other bodies established by the party may collect funds for purposes not related to electoral activities. All bodies of the Workers Party of Massachusetts handling any finances shall elect a treasurer. Treasurers shall prepare financial reports to be made available at regular meetings and, to their best ability, ensure that the Workers Party of Massachusetts is compliant with local, state, and federal campaign finance law and tax regulations.
ARTICLE XI: Decision Making Process
Decisions requiring a vote shall be decided by a two-thirds majority. Members not physically present at meetings should be consulted and given an opportunity to participate in any important decision. Proposals requiring a vote should be submitted in writing prior to any meeting to allow for full consideration before a decision is made. All members in good standing have the right to participate in the decision-making process of the Workers Party of Massachusetts and to appeal any decision made to a higher body up to the state convention.
Workers Party members elected to positions of leadership within locals, working groups, or other committees may be recalled by a two-thirds vote of the body they serve with the exception of Workers Party members elected to statewide party leadership positions, who may be recalled by a two-thirds vote of the total party membership.
ARTICLE XII: Amendments
Amendments may be made to this constitution by a two-thirds vote of the state convention or conference called by the State Organizing Committee for the purpose of amending this constitution.
Workers Party of Massachusetts Bylaws
Recall Process for Statewide Leadership Positions
Workers Party members have 3 options to initiate a recall process against people holding statewide leadership positions. Once initiated, a recall process shall consist of a special meeting organized by the State Organizing Committee where everyone can speak on the subject followed by a 24-hour period for members to vote.
The first option is for a member to initiate a recall through their Local. If the Local votes in support of a recall, then the State Organizing Committee shall be obligated to organize a recall process.
The second option to initiate a recall is to get 10 Workers Party members to collectively request that the State Organizing Committee organize a recall process. The State Organizing Committee shall be obligated to carry this out.
The third option is (1) to allow any member of the State Organizing Committee to initiate a recall process by a ⅔ (currently 7) majority vote of the State Organizing Committee and (2) to allow any Workers Party member to ask any individual State Organizing Committee member to initiate a recall process on their behalf.
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