Workers Party of Massachusetts candidates receive over 50,000 votes in November 8th elections.
Following the elections the Workers Party is optimistic about results and the future of organizing in independent socialist politics. Laura Saylor (candidate for State Senate for the Bristol and Norfolk District) received 2,092 votes against Democrat Paul Feeney and Republican Michael Chiasson. Brandon J. Griffin (candidate for State Representative in the 7th Plymouth District) received 3,537 votes against Republican Alyson Sullivan. This represents over 25% of the votes in a race with no Democrat running. Dominic S. Giannone III (statewide candidate for Auditor) came in under the 3% required for the Workers Party to receive official party status in Massachusetts. While party members are sad to have missed the 3% goal, we are thrilled to have gotten over 50,000 votes in our debut race at the state level.
Members and supporters of the Workers Party of Massachusetts will also draw on our involvement in mass movements for social justice to promote our candidates and political program. The Workers Party invites everyone interested in volunteering for this effort to get in touch through our website at
The Workers Party of Massachusetts was formed in 2020 and became an official political designation in 2021. Members of the Workers Party believe that the capitalist class already has two political parties and both the Democratic and Republican parties are organizations built to uphold the capitalist system. The Workers Party program states that the working class needs an independent party of our own that rejects capitalism and fights for a socialist future. The Workers Party of Massachusetts believes that our candidates’ participation in these campaigns is a step on the road to working class political power and a revolutionary transformation of society.
Contact the Workers Party of Massachusetts to get involved or for more information: [email protected] (617)297-7239
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